Saturday, April 11, 2009

April 11, 2009 Times Colonist: New spay-neuter rules for Central Saanich - SPCA hoped more municipalities would address stray-cat problem


“Animal advocates are disappointed only two municipalities in the Capital Regional District have adopted mandatory spaying and neutering regulations to deal with the "out-of-control" problem of stray cats.

Val Boswell, chairwoman of the Spay/Neuter Action Committee, said the fact only two municipalities are on board is disappointing considering her group approached nine of the 13 in the CRD. "We are going to have to regroup," she said. "There [are] a lot of municipalities that we could go back to."

Regardless of your opinion on cats, spaying, or the SPCA, you have to be outraged that an issue, which clearly, if relevant to one municipality is relevant to all, should have to be considered 13 times. You can see from this, that any one, no matter how useful the message might be, must spend 13 times as much energy and time to get their point across to local government, compared to the vast majority of other Canadians. This same problem will apply to people looking for assistance with the homeless, the arts, traffic issues, or recreation opportunities.

Good government for you would mean that if you had an issue to bring to the attention of the city, you could do so to one counsel at one time. You cannot do that in Greater Victoria.

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